
3 signs your parent is experiencing nursing home abuse

If your elderly parent is in a nursing home, it is normal for you to expect him or her to receive a high standard of care. Older people need assistance with daily tasks and consistent medical attention. When you choose a long-term care facility for your parent, you hope you are making the right choice.

Sadly, not all nursing homes are good environments. In fact, some can be downright abusive. Watch out for these red flags that your mom or dad is in a dangerous situation.

1. Random injuries

When you visit your loved one, do you notice any bruises or fractures? While it is normal for elderly people to bruise easily or have a few accidents here and there, you should inquire about the cause of any injuries. Make sure you determine whether the injuries are due to an accident or physical abuse by the nursing home staff.

2. Avoiding staff

Your parent should be comfortable with nurses, doctors and other care providers. These health care professionals should be polite, courteous and professional. If your parent is expressing fear or simply avoiding certain staff members, you may need to look into the issue and find out what is really happening.

3. Emotional changes

While it is normal for old people to experience some emotional challenges, there are certain things that should make you concerned. Is your parent no longer taking part in social activities? Are you unable to have a conversation with him or her? Social withdrawal and a lack of communication may be warning signs of physical or emotional abuse. If your parent is showing drastic changes in his or her emotional state, you may have a reason to be suspicious.

It is important to remember that these three things are only potential clues to something sinister. These situations may occur for other, explainable reasons. But, if you notice a pattern or have a bad feeling about the nursing home, you should seek help for your parent.


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