A car accident can leave you and your loved ones rattled. Another driver’s negligence could leave you facing catastrophic and life-changing injuries, and you are not sure how to move forward. You know you can recover compensation, but how?
Many people believe that they have to rely on the insurance company to get them the help they need. Unfortunately, many insurance companies are more concerned with their own profit than your well-being and best interests after a car accident.
Here are some of the most common bad-faith tricks insurance companies use after a car crash that you should be aware of.
1. The first offer is rarely fair
Many people think that they have to accept the first offer the insurance company gives them, but this is not true. It is even risky.
Most of the time, the first offer is less than what your claim is worth. Deceptive insurance companies will deliberately undervalue your claim so that they can maintain their own profit.
2. Nowadays, they use social media against you
This is now a trend among most insurance companies. Forbes reported that life insurance companies now review potential policyholders on social media to collect evidence of how much their policy should be worth.
Auto insurance companies often do the same thing. They check in on a policy holder’s social media accounts to review their posts and photos. For example, if you posted a simple picture standing outside on a beautiful Texas day, an insurance adjuster could claim that your injuries from the crash were not as bad as you reported. Therefore, they could undervalue your claim or refuse to pay.
3. They cause unreasonable delays
After a crash, you and your family need immediate support. You are left out of work while you recover and often face expensive medical bills. Insurance companies often know how timely personal injury claims can be.
That is why many of them will avoid investigating the claim or contacting you. They often do this on purpose to draw out the claim and avoid paying you what you deserve.
Do not let insurance companies get the best of you
Unfair insurance companies will try to prey on you and your family when you are at your most vulnerable. But knowing their tactics is the first step to protecting your rights. These insurance companies often tell you that it is not necessary to have legal representation on your side. However, consulting an experienced attorney can help you obtain the compensation you deserve, despite bad-faith insurer tactics.