
San Antonio Assisted Living Facility Abuse

San Antonio Assisted Living Facility Abuse

When you help your parent get situated in an assisted living facility, you hope for the best. You do your research, tour the facility and get to know the staff. Once your parent settles in, you make regular visits to ensure everything is going according to plan. But, even if things seem fine from the start, that may not be the case. San Antonio assisted living facility abuse is more common than you’d like to think.

Staff members at some assisted living facilities are perpetrators of elder abuse. In fact, 10% of Americans aged 60 or older experience elder abuse. But, how do you know when assisted living facility abuse is happening?

Here is some information on the forms of abuse in assisted living facilities and warning signs that should make you suspicious.

Types of Assisted Living Facility Abuse in San Antonio

Mistreatment of elderly residents can take various forms, including the following:

No matter what form of abuse happens, it can cause severe emotional pain and physical harm for seniors.

Signs of Abuse in Assisted Living Facilities

Here are some indicators that your parent may be a victim of abuse in an assisted living environment:

  • Unexplained injuries, such as bruises or cuts
  • Bedsores
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Rapid deterioration of mental or physical health
  • Unsanitary living conditions
  • Poor hygiene
  • Changes in social behavior
  • Fearful attitude
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Tense relationships with staff members

Elder abuse is never something to take lightly. Anyone who engages in these activities or allows them to occur should be held legally accountable. Your loved one deserves protection.

Our San Antonio elderly abuse lawyers offer free consultations. Give us a call if you believe that your loved one is experiencing San Antonio assisted living facility abuse.


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