
What Types of Damages Can You Claim for Car Accident Injuries in Texas?

When a motorist causes an accident as a result of their unlawful actions, the injured party may recover different types of damages during their car accident lawsuit. The claims they will be eligible for depends on the extent of their injuries as well as other losses. And, since these are proof-dependent cases, the plaintiff must put together as much evidence as possible to win their case and get the compensation they deserve. 

The purpose of a Texas car accident lawsuit is to apportion monetary value to the various damages you suffered following the accident. Although no amount of money can reverse your injury and suffering, the court may award several different types of damages when deciding a judgment.

Here are two important ones that need to be considered:

Medical Bills From Treating Your Car Accident Injuries

Any medical expense you incur while treating the injuries you sustained in a car accident are damages that you can claim during your lawsuit.

These damages may include:

  • Medical bills for treatment costs, doctor visits, hospitalization and tests
  • Ambulance evacuation fees
  • On-going treatment and rehabilitation
  • Prescription medications
  • Permanent disabilities or scars

It is important that you seek treatment as soon as you are involved in a car accident. If you take long to seek treatment, the defendant may argue that your injuries had nothing to with the accident. The insurance company, too, may use this line of argument to dispute your claim.

Lost Income Due to Missed Work

Depending on the severity, a car accident can put you out of work while treating your injuries. Obviously, this can be a stressful situation as you will be missing out on income and worrying about your bills and other financial obligations.

Thankfully, lost income is another loss for which you can seek compensation. To prove lost wages, you will need to demonstrate pay stubs from your previous paycheck as well as any missed opportunities you may have for advancement, bonuses, promotions and the like. 

Being involved in a car accident can be a stressful, costly and painful experience. Even a minor accident can leave with medical bills, emotional trauma and lost wages. However, if you were not at fault, you may consider suing the negligent party for your damages. 


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