
How to Document Nursing Home Abuse

how to document nursing home abuse

Deciding on what type of care your elderly relatives should receive can often be challenging. As a result, loved ones often invest a lot of time planning and eventually selecting the appropriate nursing home location. Typically, most family members can’t imagine that they’ll ever need to know how to document nursing home abuse.  

But, unfortunately, even with due diligence, nursing facilities may not always be as good as they initially appear. Nursing home abuse is a distinct possibility, and the consequences can be both physically and emotionally distressing. 

Importantly, there are legal options open to individuals and their families if abuse has taken place. Providing evidence of abusive or neglectful behavior could help to bolster a legal case. Outlined below are three ways to document nursing home abuse:

Document Changes in Behavior 

Abuse within nursing homes will often bring about noticeable changes in a resident’s behaviors. Abuse victims might become withdrawn or irritable. Additionally, it may become apparent that an elderly resident is nervous or frightened of specific staff members. 

Check Ombudsman Records 

Each state will typically have an ombudsman service that monitors long-term care facilities. Ombudsman services are tasked with keeping detailed records of any complaints and their ultimate resolution. If a pattern of complaints about abuse is established with a facility, it may indicate that your loved one is not receiving the standard of care they are entitled to.

Take Photographs of Suspected Nursing Home Abuse

Photographs are one of the most valuable pieces of visual information that can be obtained if you suspect abuse.

If your loved one suffers from bedsores, this is one of the most obvious signs of nursing home neglect. You will want to take a picture of the bedsore.

Pictures of living conditions as well as any injuries could offer compelling evidence that nursing abuse has occurred. 

Your elderly relatives deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. If you feel that their legal rights have been violated, then you may be able to pursue a claim for compensation.  Contact our Texas nursing home abuse law firm for a free consultation.



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