When you get into a fender bender, you may not think that you are hurt. However, you have a lot of adrenaline after an auto accident, which masks pain from injuries.
If you do not feel immediate pain, you may try to wait and see and get medical attention later. This will hurt your case. Insurance companies and juries will not believe you were injured if you did not promptly seek medical treatment. Assuming your injuries are minimal and not getting treatment are two of the biggest mistakes you can make after an accident. Here are five commonly delayed injuries:
1. Neck or shoulder pain
If you experience pain in your neck or shoulders, you may have whiplash, which is a term used to describe a variety of injuries to the soft tissue in your neck. This type of pain may also be a symptom of a spinal cord injury.
2. Headaches
Take note if you have severe headaches in certain locations. Headaches can occur after auto collisions for a variety of reasons, including concussion, traumatic brain injury, neck injury, whiplash, blood clot or PTSD.
3. Numbness or tingling
Any type of numbness, tingling, pinching or weakness in your limbs may be a sign of nerve damage. It may also indicate a herniated disc is pressing on the nerves in your spine.
4. Back pain
Any type of back pain may signal whiplash, a herniated disc, a sprain or muscle damage. This is especially a concern if the pain is in your lower back.
5. Pain and suffering
Car accidents often have emotional impacts, too. You may start to experience anxiety, depression or PTSD. These emotional problems may occur due to the physical injuries or the accident itself. A brain injury may also cause personality changes or emotional turmoil.
Make sure you get checked out by a medical professional and receive treatment for your car accident injuries as soon as possible.